I registered my business back in 2018 and I had SO many questions. I couldn’t find the info I wanted / needed / or the community I craved. I honestly just wanted someone to hold my hand and walk me through it. 

→ Please mentor me!

For the first 4 years I did a LOT of trial + error and I think I took pride in making my own mistakes and collecting all of the”hard knocks”. Guess what? My business grew SUPER slowly. It wasn’t until I started reaching out to other for help,collaboratig with others in my network, and started listening to other people’s advice that I actually saw changes occurring in y business.

I’ve been planning weddings for close to 10 years now and I’ve owned my own business for 8 of those years. I still have a lot to learn, but I have so much knowledge to share and I don’t want to keep it all inside anymore! 

It was a lot of trial & Error...

→ Apply Now

If you need a fresh set of eyes and new motivation to keep pressing forward, mentorship is for you

If you want to a friend to bounce ideas off of that actually KNOWS what you’re going through: a mentorship is for you

If you have questions about small business that feel super foggy and you want to hear real-life stories of how someone else navigated it to make it more clear, mentorship is for you

Packages are customizable based on needs from 6 month intensive mentorship with monthly calls, to one-off calls for a certain topic. 

Investments starts at $500

kind words from mentees


"Hiring Hillary as a mentor has been one of the best business decisions I have made. She has been been able to take really complex ideas and processes and distill them down into clear actionable next steps. She allows you to learn your own lessons on our own time and she help you to listen better to yourself. I have been able to hear what I should do next and what kind of clients I want to work with and what my niche should be and what my specialty is. She has given me confidence to charge more for my services so she has fast forwarded my business by like two years, it is incredibly valuable. Mentorship is an investment but Hillary is worth it."

→ apply now

I can’t wait to join your business journey and help you avoid wasted time, let’s start!

mentee application

If you're ready to start or just have a few more questions, we want to hear from you!
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch in the next 48 hours to chat further.


Thank you for applying to be mentored by me! I will be in touch within 24-48 hours to connect!


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